We Built this City...
25 lbs of chocolate, 8 batches of Rice Krispie Treats, 4 batches of royal icing, 4 tubs of clear piping gel, 3 cans of spray on edible gold, luster dust, disco dust, 5 pounds of chocolate gold nuggets, 500 chocolate gold coins, 3 ship shaped apple pies, and 2 months of labor later, I FINALLY finished my edible sculpture for The Armada of Golden Dreams opening at the Old Ship Saloon. When I first started this project back in March, I felt like I was in way over my head, wondering just what the hell I was thinking diving into something like this. But after a little bit of chocolate molding advice, a few experiments, and several years of sculpture making under my belt, I managed to complete this monstrosity of golden, sugary, goodness. Now if only I could have found a way to make Rice Krispie Treats defy gravity, my Transamerica Pyramid building wouldn't have had limp you know what.

Over the last week of construction I could even smell the vanilla and marshmallow coming out of my pores. Seriously gross, but seriously worth it. This piece is definitely one of the craziest things I have ever made, and definitely the artwork to date that I am most proud of.
And none of this would have been possible without the funding and support of the lovely people at Invisible City Audio Tours. I can't even begin to express how great it was to be a part of such an amazing project and work with such fantastic and passionate people. We Built this City... was just a very small contribution to the Armada of Golden Dreams tour, and I'd like to say thank you and congratulations to everyone involved. The opening was a huge success!

I couldn't have done this project without the love and support of my family and friends, and an extra big thanks to John for putting up with the massive amounts of chocolate hogging the refrigerator, the late nights, and for all the edible glitter that will be popping up on our faces for eternity.