Food and art, mutually inspired.


Zilla Dogs and Macarons

Just another typical Saturday morning:  up at 7:30 am, surfed the internet while drinking coffee in bed, hoping I'd muster up enough energy to not be just another lump in the mattress and take a shower. Luckily I had some motivation.  I was going to the farmer's market today.  And not just any farmer's market, but THE farmer's market, the epitome of all things food, the Saturday farmer's market at the Ferry Building.  If food was recognized as a religion this would be my Mecca, the holiest of the holies, and has become my sacred Saturday ritual.  My ritual, however, has taken a bit of a back seat to the craziness of life, and I haven't been in over a month.  I almost always walk there, breathing in the smells of dim sum as I walk past China Town and checking out all of the new restaurants popping up in the Financial District that I hope to someday go to.

Today the sun was shining and pleasantly warm.  Spring was finally here, well at least for today.  My trip to the market today actually had a purpose, not the usual meandering around each booth tasting the days tantalizing treats and eyeing all of the cute little puppies that I longed to have for my own.  I needed to make a visit to the Sur la Table to get some baking supplies for a project that I'm going to be working on.  But before I made my purchases I needed some food porn, and I needed some food porn fast!

I had gotten pretty hungry on the walk over, as I hadn't had any breakfast other than my cup o' joe, and the alien in my stomach was telling me to feed it.  Onne of the things I love the most about the Saturday farmer's market is all of the amazing food vendors selling freshly prepared food for you to buy.  For about $10 you can get a hefty plate of grub and the possibilities are endless.  Roasted chickens turning on the rotisserie spit, oysters, authentic Mexican creations, Korean California fusion, and just about any form of pork product imaginable.  Today I opted for a hot dog from 4505 Meats, which has become one of my favorite food tents at the market.  This was no ordinary hot dog, it was a bacon studded hot dog zilla style.  As if a bacon studded hot dog wasn't decadent enough, they top it with kimchi and their famous chicharrones.  It sounds so wrong, but tastes oh so right.

4505 Meats Bacon Studded Hot Dog served Zilla Style

Now before you call me a fat ass, I was really only interested in the kimchi topping.  The chicharrones were just an added bonus, and as sinfully good as they are, I could only eat two of them because they are just that rich.  But throwing out perfectly good pork rinds would be an even bigger sin, so I packed them into a plastic bag to bring home for John who was missing out on this lovely Saturday morning.  The hot dog was plump and juicy, nestled in a toasty artisan bun.  You could hear the skin snap with every bite, the smokiness of the bacon mixed with the spicy crunch of kimchi, and made my taste buds explode with happiness.

I finally had the fuel I needed to go shopping.  Sur la Table came and went, and I left a happy customer with a few things to get me started with my project.  (More about this project to come soon).  After all the salty goodness of my Zilla dog I needed a little something sweet to round out the meal.  I headed down to Miette for a light and airy macaron.  I decided on pistachio, my personal favorite, and rose geranium.  Unfortunately I scarfed them down before I could take a photo, but they were lovely, I promise.