Herb and Carrot Salad with Harissa Lime Dressing
Composition in art and in food are vital to its success. The components, however different, all need to work in harmony as a whole. Color, texture, shape, and scale- a narrative between the fundamental elements creating a language all its own.
I’m constantly trying to compose the perfect salad. My herb and carrot salad with harissa lime dressing comes pretty close to perfection in my book. The colors alone make me want to dive right in. Crisp, orange ribbons of sweet carrot, tangy, pickled purple onion, bright green herbs, and speckles of white, salty, feta cheese, and crunchy brown sunflower seeds all dressed in a tart, sweet, and spicy dressing. This salad is speaking my summer love language.
Herby Carrot Salad with Harissa Lime Dressing
Herby Carrot Salad with Harissa Lime Dressing
4 C carrots shaved into ribbons (approximately 5 carrots)
1 C red onion, thinly sliced
3/4 C distilled white vinegar
1 Tbsp + 1/4 tsp kosher salt
1/4 C lime juice
1/2 tsp ground coriander
1 tsp harissa powder
2 tsp honey
3 Tbsp olive oil
7 medjool or deglet noor dates, sliced thin
feta cheese
roasted sunflower seeds
1 C fresh herbs (I used basil, cilantro, and mint. Parsley and chives would be wonderful too.)
Maldon flake salt
aleppo pepper
Wash and peel carrots. Then use the vegetable peeler or mandolin to shave the carrots into thin, long, ribbons. Place the carrots into a large bowl and cover with very cold water. Place bowl in the refrigerator and chill carrots until ready to serve salad, at least 30 minutes.
Pickle the onions. In a small bowl combine sliced red onion, 1 Tbsp of kosher salt, and white vinegar. Let sit at room temperature for 30 minutes.
Make dressing by combining lime juice, 1/4 tsp kosher salt, ground coriander, harissa powder, honey, and olive oil in a small jar. Shake until the dressing is emulsified.
Drain carrots and pat dry with a towel. In a large salad bowl toss carrots with 1/4 C of the dressing. Top with a portion of the pickled onions, dates, feta, sunflower seeds, herbs, a pinch of Maldon flake salt, and aleppo pepper.